Yggdrasil bot, a discord bot that supports a lot of fun commands, is called Yggdrasil.It’s a unique bot that allows discord members to engage with a variety of fun activities, such as Fun!SoundsRacing!Gaming!PhonesPranks!According to its website.This bot has many amazing features, such as pranking members or matchmaking and shipping members.This bot allows members of one server to communicate with members of another server via Discord.
How do I invite a bot to Yggdrasil?
It is very easy to add Yggdrasil bots to your discord server.You can do it in a few clicks.
STEP 1Visit the official website for Yggdrasil Bot.You can search Google for “Yggdrasil Bot” or go to their official website at https://ygg.fun.
STEP 2Once you have landed on the official website for Yggdrasil Bot you will be able to click the button that says “Add To Discord”.This will invite Yggdrasil Bot to your server.
STEP 3When you click on “Add to Discord”, it will prompt you to log in to your discord account.Once you have signed in, or if you are already signed into the discord, you will need to choose the discord server where you wish to add the Yggdrasil Bot.
STEP 4Once you’ve selected the server where you wish to add the Yggdrasil Bot, it will then ask for permission access.The bot will be granted administrator access. You can remove the administrator access at any time.Next, click the Authorize button.
Upon completing this process, you will see the screen below confirming that your server has the Yggdrasil Bot.
Your discord server has been successfully added the Yggdrasil Bot!The confirmation message for the Yggdrasilbot will appear on the right sidebar.
All members of your server can now use the various commands available from Yggdrasil bot.Use the -help command to see what commands are available.Enter this command to receive a message from Yggdrasil with a complete list all commands available in the Yggdrasil Bot.
List of Basic Yggdrasil Bot Commands in Discord
General Commands
–about – bot info–avatar [user] – show user’s avatar–credits – bot credits–donate – donate to support the bot–invite – add ygg to your server–ping – checks the bot’s latency–serverinfo – shows server info–userinfo [user] – shows user info
Fun Commands
–choose <item> <item> … – make a decision–8ball <question> – ask the magic 8ball!–fiction <name> – infinite fictional database–friendscore @user1 @user2 – friend compatibility score–fortune – shows your fortune–icecream [user] – makes your personal ice cream cone–joke – random joke–meme – random meme–pokefusion – shows a random pokefusion–quote <messageId> OR <@user> <quote> – grabs or creates a quote–rip <user> – makes a tombstone–roll <dice> – rolls dice–ship <first> [second] – matchmaking!–spoilers <text> – hides spoiler text–toast <user> – makes some toast–useless – link to a useless website–wanted <user> – makes a wanted poster
Games Commands
–darts [guess] – play darts–deathbattle @user1 @user2 – Death Battle!–garage [car] – Look at what cars you have in your garage.–race – race car!–fidgetspinner [type] – spins a fidget spinner–standoff – Have a good ol’ fashioned standoff.
Phones Commands
–speakerphone – chat with random users all over Discord!–eyephone – :eyes:–flipphone – flips your conversation!–fuwwyphone – corrupts your conversation to owo speak.–scramblephone – chat with random users, but scrambled!–userphone – chat with users and see who you’re chatting with!–hangup – Hangup the phone
Animals Commands
–bird – random bird–cat – random cat–dog – random dog–fox – random fox–panda – random panda–snake – random snake
Soundboard Commands*
–tts <text> – text to speech–airhorn–brainpower–cena–cheer–cricket–dancemoves–doof–fakeerror–fakeping–granddad–heyall–heyguys–jenkins–knocking–oof–trombone–vsauce–wasted
What are Phone Commands?
One of the most used features of Yggdrasil Bot is the Phone commands.These commands allow members to call random people, or members from another server into their own server.You will then be able communicate with the person as if you were their server.You can do this by going to a general channel, and then typing the command -userphone. The bot will connect you with a random person on a different server.The -hangup command will disconnect the call.You can also experiment with the commands to discover what they can do.
How to remove Yggdrasil Bot from your Discord Server?
Only one way to remove the yggdrasil Bot from your server is –
Right-click the yggdrasil icon to launch Kick Yggdrasil.
You can remove the yggdrasilbot so that it cannot be added to your channel again, by right-clicking on the yggdrasilbot and selecting the Ban Yggdrasil option.The image is shown in the example.
How do I get my discord bot to work?
Sometimes, the Yggdrasil Bot may experience issues. It may not respond or be offline.It could be caused by a discord server downage. If you have this issue, please check the discord status page.
You should also ensure that the yggdrasil Bot has sufficient permissions (This can be done under the Settings tab).
If the yggdrasilbot does not respond to the above steps, make sure that you have not changed the default prefix of the yggdrasilbot.