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      • Did ANet change something about the way ground targeting works?

        in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

        Posted June 11, 2019

        Happens in raids aswell.

        • [Merged] Feedback on new world events and Shiny weapons

          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

          Posted June 11, 2019

          wasent rifstalker weapons sword greatsword and shield?

          • Show some love for fractals?

            in Instanced Group Content

            Posted June 11, 2019

            @Anatolian Turk.4057 said:i play fractals everyday but for an endgame content we dont get much out of it. Yes, i know there are fractal weapon skins but that's not enough for majority of the people who play fractals on a daily basis. IMO, we deserve more. Raids are getting the legendary trinket 'ring' the Coalescence. But what about us? Dont we deserve the same love? I really hope one day i.e. in the near future A-net will introduce legendary armor/weapons and even legendary trinkets for fractals.

            What do you guys think?

            Well fractal got legendary backpack and the fractal god/godess title to go for.Wouldent suprice me if the next ring or maybe even amulet will be earned in fractals tho.

            • Autoloot is not working

              in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

              Posted June 10, 2019

              pve pact commander dont work in wvw.

              • A Bug Amongst Bugs

                in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                Posted June 10, 2019

                @sephiroth.4217 said:

                @"Linken.6345" said:Did you even read the OP? I even quoted the relevant part

                Hi there,I assume that comment was supposed to be quoted as it looks like a direct response.

                To answer your question, yes I did.

                Lets go over the turn of events here:

                • OP asks why he loads onto a dead pvp map instead of going strait to the living map

                • your response was "you cant pvp on any map" which was a derailment to the original OP question

                • I then continued this derailment you created and corrected your knowledge that you can indeed PvP in The Mists

                • you started talking about an overflow

                • I basically repeated myself that you can PvP in the Mists.

                • you ask me if I read the Op

                • I now respond with this.

                Im with OP to be honest, when I come out of a match my duo partner is on another map and Ive got the option to leave my dead map, hitting accept puts me on the same map as my partner.

                Now, I may be wrong and that's not what OP meant at all but it certainly applied.

                First you cant load into a pvp map when you first start the gameNo pvp map from my knowlage can go from a dead map into a living one. aka the pve overflow system you get a pop up to low population geta buff when transfering to a populated one you got 1 hour untill map closes permanently.Unless the OP was asking about when queing for pvp they get inserted into a map that have 500 vs xxx and then have to reque.Thats however not what the OP stated they were doing, ( clearly our brains work diffrently but I thought I was pretty clear)

                • A Bug Amongst Bugs

                  in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                  Posted June 10, 2019

                  Did you even read the OP? I even quoted the relevant part

                  • Sigil of Force

                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                    Posted June 9, 2019

                    Yes you do .......

                    • Can you swap runes for exotic gears and how to unsoulbind items?

                      in Players Helping Players

                      Posted June 9, 2019

                      Just be sure that the armor can be salvaged so you can recover the runes from them mate, to see if you can salvage the exotic pieces you plan to put runes into just dubble click a salvage kit.You need a black lion kit but when your ready to go to ascended you probabely would have got one from daily black lion gods mate

                      • A Bug Amongst Bugs

                        in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                        Posted June 9, 2019

                        @sephiroth.4217 said:

                        @Linken.6345 said:You cant pvp on any map so how are you doing this?


                        We have The Mists which is all about PvP?

                        and that uses the overflow system?

                        @Truth.5279 said:Snip I log into PVP straight into a dead map with the immediate option to transfer to a living map. Snip

                        That sounds like the overflow system to me.

                        • Deleted characters and birthdays

                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                          Posted June 9, 2019

                          @Seera.5916 said:

                          @serialkicker.5274 What specific ideas did you have in mind for those unique gifts?

                          I was referring to things like luminous weapon skins. First few years didn't provide anything that couldn't be obtained by other means, except birthday booster if we want to count that.Then I believe at 5th year, it started getting some exclusivity, like luminous skins, that can only be obtained in birthday gifts. Now, while I'm not stoked for these luminous skins, we don't know what next years could bring. Perhaps at some point, there will be something I'd like to have and will sadly have to do without, because I'd have to wait another 5 years to reach players who kept their characters. (game might not even run for that long for me to reach there, heh -I'm not doomsaying here!- It wouldn't be the end of the world and I wouldn't start throwing things around, but I'd be a bit bummed.

                          Then if it's gifts like that, then I don't see how it would have a negative impact on the game's economy. The account gifts have been obtainable only by the birthday reward so it's not like the dye packs that do lower the in game value of the exclusive gem store dyes. If you had a character that permafrost dye would look so pefect on that you can't see any other dye being an option and you had a character about to hit 6 years old, would you spend almost 800g on it or would you wait for the freebie?

                          So, you are agreeing that deleting characters should deny you getting Birthday Gifts? I'm confused. Lol.

                          Regardless, I think that it will likely come down to the way it worked in Guild Wars with Festival Hats. If you missed out, for whatever the reason, you had to wait for maintenance-mode and a vendor that would sell the 'exclusive' items for a token acquired in subsequent festivals (substitute anniversaries/birthdays).

                          Not entirely. The character specific ones like the dye packs should remain attached to the character's birthday.

                          But the account specific ones like the luminous weapons and the race backpack are ones that I would be fine if they were attached to the account's age as opposed to character's age and awarded only when a character reached that many years old.

                          Yea but you have to put it in context of if this get added what have it taken resources from that wont be added.It affect so few people so its not an important change, OP even admited they knew what would happen and deleted anyway.Imo its just bad form trying to get it changed just becouse feelings afterward.

                          • Some stat-selectable items did not get reset by the patch.

                            in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                            Posted June 8, 2019

                            @"Sakaane.5973" said:I hope Anet follows through on this hotfix.

                            My husband has a transmuted Marauder's Caladbolg that was reset.

                            I have a non-transmuted Berserker Caladbolg that was not reset. (I had had a brainfart and originally chose Berserker by accident, so when I heard about the reset I got pretty excited at the prospect of being able to correct my mistake!)

                            Both of us had these weapons equipped on our characters at the time the update went through so...yeeeah.

                            Most of my other gear was reset properly. I care most about the fact my Caladbolg was missed when hubby's was not. :(

                            You do know you can easily stat swap the caladbolg right?

                            On the character that completed the story missions, go and find Ridhais in your home instance. She will allow you to exchange your current ascended weapon for a different one for 1000  Unbound Magic.png Unbound Magic.


                            • Please add options to the completion of dailies.

                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                              Posted June 8, 2019

                              @Terminal.5093 said:You already get scraps, they've decided on that balance.. why would they completely blow that out and give 3 tomes per day, instead of the small portion of one tome?

                              Expansion mastery scraps.. every living world map has 3-5 scraps of mastery already, why would we need/want more in the daily bag as well?

                              Basically, you're asking for 3 character levels per day. Jump in to wvw, you'll get heaps of tomes there. Not just from the reward tracks, some of the dailies give them too.

                              You're asking for stuff that is already available.

                              The OP is talking about the small bag of 3 spirit shards and want 3 tomes of knowlage to level chars if they want or eat on a level 80 for 3 spirit shards.

                              • Deleted characters and birthdays

                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                Posted June 8, 2019


                                You know, these build templates they are working on, will have a lot greater effect on people and character slots. If we can swap builds on same character, many people won't need multiple chars of the same class. By your logic, what the heck is anet doing, hurting their revenue!

                                How exactly did birthday gifts change and become a necessity exactly?Raids - not necessity, roles - not necessity, elite specs - not necessity. New birthday gifts are starting to get some exclusive skins. Skins are huge part of the game, we all know that. I would just like to think if next year or year after that brings something I like, I'm not missing it because of shoddy system.

                                If you think they arent going to sell build template slots your living in a imaginary world.We probabely will get1 for free so we can have both elite specs at start.But some classes want core aswell, warrior comes to mind for the better cc for example and then there will be elite spec 3,4 ,5,6 and so on

                                • Please Help - Locked out of my account due to out of date authentication details


                                  Posted June 8, 2019

                                  @TGH.7630 said:kitten, I've blown £60 into this game the past month and got my gf to invest £15 too. It sucks that I didn't get any notification that my details might need to be changed when I logged in for the first time in 4 years last month. It also sucks that now on day 3 of not being able to log in I have had no response from anything beyond a bot. All over something so insignificant as a router change. Anet needs a tertiary way to reclaim details without going down this obviously inadequate avenue of customer support: secret questions. I'm honestly shocked that in this day and age Anet seems to not have implemented a secret question system (or if they have, why on Earth haven't I been asked mine??).> @ShiningSquirrel.3751

                                  Would make it easier for hackers to take over your account so I vote no on that suggestion.Maybe make it a habbit to check these details in the future?Edit+They have a 72h timer on getting to your ticket under normal condtions since your on day 3 not past it thats totaly within their time limit so far.Then again it might be alot of people coming back to the game as you have done atm, that need help from cs teams so not normal conditions.

                                  • Please add options to the completion of dailies.

                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                    Posted June 8, 2019

                                    @archmagus.7249 said:

                                    @"Terminal.5093" said:You already get xp scraps from the dailies.

                                    They can't be used directly by level 80 players. You get


                                    , but don't contribute to your masteries at all.

                                    You can combine 20 into a ToK (tome of knowlage) at mayani tho.

                                    • "We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season." - ANet Jason

                                      in Instanced Group Content

                                      Posted June 8, 2019

                                      @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

                                      @maddoctor.2738 said:You posted Vale Guardian kill ratio and not Sabetha for Wing 1!Why not post all starting boss kill stats as well as the last boss stats?

                                      Oh whoops.

                                      I'll fix that.

                                      I've fixed it. Thanks for pointing the inconsistency.First boss? It's not really on the topic of raid participation.

                                      If your doing end bosses shouldent you post Deimos for wing 4 instead of samarog

                                      • A Bug Amongst Bugs

                                        in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

                                        Posted June 7, 2019

                                        You cant pvp on any map so how are you doing this?

                                        • are overflow maps ever going to get fixed?

                                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                          Posted June 7, 2019

                                          @zombyturtle.5980 said:

                                          @zombyturtle.5980 said:Casino has no preevent though. Unless you count the 5 min timer where you have to afk until the first collection starts. Its inconsistent with TD which can still be completed if a new map spawns during the 5 min afk pre timer for that.

                                          Casino is the pre-event. TD's countdown starts at :25; Chak starts at :30. Casino's countdown starts at :00; the Blitz begins at :05. Either way, you have to be there on the half hour, in terms of when the map is created.

                                          Yes but its still inconsistent design. You can arrive in TD during the countdown and not miss the event but you cant arrive in Casino during the countdown or you miss the event. Additionally, HOT metas dont have a scheduling problem where 2 overlap. POF metas do with the countdown overlapping with dopple. Its bad design IMO which could be solved with the solution I suggested, to give a hero chest to augery rock. Right now there is 0 reason to show up to casino at xx:00 as it guarantees you missing dopples chest. Its better to do dopple and at least have a chance at getting 2.

                                          I am not saying people should be able to show up after the collection part has started on a brand new map and get rewards. Im saying if the actual active part of the event hasnt started then you shouldnt miss rewards as you are still able to participate 100%. I understand due to coding that may not be possible though which is again why I think adding incentives to doing the augery rock meta and giving people a choice like in desolation maps is the best solution.

                                          The count down for pinata is if you managed to do the 3 collection events before tho so aint comparable with the td countdown.

                                          • Full Minstrels meta on Chrono needs to stop.

                                            in Instanced Group Content

                                            Posted June 7, 2019

                                            @Talindra.4958 said:read the comments here.. see how people approach is to one another particularly in raids.. this is why I quit raids.people just cant enjoy playing in a team with a group of people respect one another.. you are playing with human. someone in real life you would say hi and smile.a lot of people are just so cruel in the game.. I don't know why.when raids first came out. we had a good friend who tank with warrior hammer it was funny and fun. we were patience with the team .. until later when drama broke out, the team disband. good game friends quit. pugging raids is fast to clear.. but people with no consideration of how the other feels .. it is a place where some people there to find target and then abuse and bully. tired of this already.. its time to retire this content.

                                            Find a more tollerant group of people to raid with mate.

                                            • I feel like Bound of Faith takes some fun out of mounts

                                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                              Posted June 7, 2019

                                              @Adrianna.3092 said:

                                              @"ROMANG.1903" said:

                                              There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!

                                              Or you could stop pretending everyone has to play like you and just stop using the power.

                                              Your argument that he "simply not use the ability" is flawed to the core.

                                              For one, it has invalidated gliders main niche since the griffon came out. Glider mechanics, a main mechanic in HoT, has been nearly completely obliterated with this change.

                                              For two, it has changed the gameplay of not only the OP, but the nature of the open world. It is certainly valid for him to state as much and to suggest that it be reverted.

                                              What about people who dont have hot they need to be able to mount the griffon or they die useing the skill.

                                              what are you talking about? i dont really support the OP but this statement is just plain false... you take no fall damage after using bond of faith... period... no matter how far you fall.

                                              Cough well since you are falling I assumed you did, never wanting to try it I always deplyed my glider before hitting the ground =)

                                              • I feel like Bound of Faith takes some fun out of mounts

                                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                Posted June 7, 2019

                                                @Opopanax.1803 said:

                                                @"ROMANG.1903" said:

                                                There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!

                                                Or you could stop pretending everyone has to play like you and just stop using the power.

                                                Your argument that he "simply not use the ability" is flawed to the core.

                                                For one, it has invalidated gliders main niche since the griffon came out. Glider mechanics, a main mechanic in HoT, has been nearly completely obliterated with this change.

                                                For two, it has changed the gameplay of not only the OP, but the nature of the open world. It is certainly valid for him to state as much and to suggest that it be reverted.

                                                What about people who dont have hot they need to be able to mount the griffon or they die useing the skill.

                                                • Did not get bonus loot box

                                                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                  Posted June 7, 2019

                                                  You need to grab bombs when they show up on a platform and glide it over to were the head is biting a platform.Got to be quick to hit it before the burn phase is over.

                                                  • Weeklong Bonus Event: Meta-Event Rush!

                                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                    Posted June 6, 2019

                                                    @Myriada.7580 said:

                                                    @Myriada.7580 said:So far I've enjoyed this event a lot. I already did open world metas on a daily basis, so seeing a boost in their popularity, having squads 3 times the usual size


                                                    getting a bunch of boxes (as opposed to 1 per world boss) with a nice amount of extra mats and a small chance to something really expensive keeps it fresh and exciting, rather than just another daily task (a fun one at that, don't get me wrong).

                                                    It was also quite nice seeing the community goal achievement pop up yesterday while I was playing, it reminded me that this is a live dynamic event, not a scheduled thing like we usually get. I wish I could see the bar fill up in real time, though! It would be great if it was integrated in the UI, at the top right corner of the screen. It would get me excited for an upcoming goal or even be entertaining if it got a small sudden bump in progress to check which meta so many people took part in :)

                                                    I hope some persisting bugs can be ironed out quickly and that future events can make other PoF events take the spotlight as well: the djinns in the Necropolis and Forged with Fire are still somewhat obscure, even though they're fun and different to the usual events.

                                                    There is a bar (well, now several bars) showing progress for each Tier. Last I looked, Tier 3 was about 1/3 of the way completed.

                                                    Oh is there? Now I feel like a complete idiot. It must have automatically stayed hidden and I didn't see it. Thanks for the heads up!

                                                    You have to have done contribution for the bar to show up

                                                    • I did not receive level 80 boost after purchase, no response from Support


                                                      Posted June 6, 2019

                                                      If you had 2 shared slots it sounded like you already bought heart of thorns and path of fire + used said boosts then you wouldent get another for buying hot.But looks like it was a bug congrats to your fix mate.

                                                      • What dps meter best ? what ir more "safe" ? suggestion state at 2019 year

                                                        in Instanced Group Content

                                                        Posted June 5, 2019

                                                        Never heard of this one.Searched for it and seems like woodenpotatoes have tried it.

                                                        Looks to me to be a personal dps meter, arcdps shows you everyone in your group or squad.

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                                                      Linken.6345's Content - Page 444 (2024)


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